So now that C is back to school, I have been trying to get D potty trained, I need her in pre-school ASAP, both for her and me, I've also (like my previous post states) been trying to stay off the computer. Well 2 days ago I got a crazy virus on my laptop and its now in laptop ICU hopefully in recovery - no word yet from the laptop doc. So then I thought well that's the universe helping me out with my cause... NO it is not. I'm married to an extremely techie person, who runs his own business, so we have tons of computers; one in his office, one in his home office, one on the dining room table, an ipad, itouch, of course my iphone; and that's not with my laptop in service so I'm always plugged in, its a blessing and a curse! yesterday I was semi successful with staying off comp. I still didnt get dishes done 100% (stupid dishes) half my laundry is all over my floor, and I didnt do ANY POTTY TRAINING!! I suck at this housewife stuff sometimes which I think is a key ingrediant to my happy chaos life. I procrastinate. ALOT! Dont get me wrong, I love my job, I take my job seriously. Being a homemaker is my career, but as a former retail manager, I think I should be written up sometimes!! So daily I tell myself today I'm going to do better, I need to! My dear Husband works a lot, he is living his dream, being his own boss, and doing what he loves... geeky techie things. And I should be doing mine by taking care of the kids and not playing the Sims on FB (which is super fun BTW!) ... quick pause... my daughter is currently perfecting her bottom streaking skills..... ok pants back on D..... back to what I was saying. I need to try harder. So today I did get her on the potty and we went #1!!!! yay!!! now let's see if I can manage to have the kitchen semi clean before C comes home for a LONG weekend... doubt it... I just hate dishes... and my sim needs a shower.... maybe I do to... Happy Labor day Weekend!